Full Production Inspection

When?Product inspection

In situation where you don’t trust the manufacturer to check a batch of products in full, or when the supplier refuses to do so.

What for?

This service seems to be quite standard. However, we need to decide a number of things with the client:

  • What checkpoints should be verified on all products? Which ones can be checked on a smaller sample base?
  • Should there only be a “good” and a “bad” categories? Or should there be a “not good, but not very bad” category (that might be saved)?
  • Can QC technicians follow a pre-defined inspection plan? Or should they follow the directives from a client representative?
  • If the products are already packed, will the manufacturer help unpack them?
  • Should the “good” pieces be sealed in carton? Will the manufacturer help in repacking them?
  • Is the manufacturer allowed to take the “bad” pieces during the job? If they claim to have repaired them, should the QC technicians re-check them?

By whom?

Trained QC technicians, who will look for a few checkpoints on 100% of a batch.

The QCP approach

We act as a third party to take care of this job in a professional manner. We actually replace the factory’s internal quality control department.
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